[Superuser] Superuser is available on the School version install. It allows the Teacher to select a User Name and a Password. The Teacher then has the ability to add and remove students, print Student questions and change passwords. Only the superuser has this ability. All Superuser functionality is explained in the Help files associated with the Superuser interface. [Video For Windows] Jesus...the Man, the Message, the Messiah, requires Video for Windows to be installed. Windows 95 includes Video for Windows, if it is not playing properly, that option may not have been installed. To check this, click your "START" button and select "SETTINGS" and "CONTROL PANELS." In the Control Panel window, find "ADD/REMOVE Programs" and double click that icon. The Add/Remove Program window will open, and you will need to select "WINDOWS SETUP." There will be a list of options, scroll to "MULTIMEDIA." Click the "DETAILS" button. A list of options will open, make sure that "MEDIA PLAYER" is selected. Clicking OK will return you to the last list of options, clicking OK again will prompt Windows to install the Media Player. You MUST have your Windows Install CD in the drive to accomplish the Video for Windows install. [Windows 3.1 Errors] Extensive testing of this program has exposed a problem related strictly to hardware. The problem centers around older Cirrus Logic chips controlling graphics display. These chips are sometimes built into the Motherboard or sometimes are on the graphics cards. These chips create errors only in Windows 3.1. The errors are usually "errors displaying file" followed by a path and a file name. This program will not play properly on a system using these older Cirrus Logic chips.